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Innovations with Ed Begley Jr., featuring Quabbin Wire and Cable Co., Inc. aired on the Discovery Channel.
Quabbin Wire & Cable commercial as part of the Innovations series.
Those of you who have visited the Quabbin exhibit at one of the many trade shows we exhibit at annually will recognize the infamous stomping boot. The point of the stomping boot is to smash Ethernet cable. One of the goals of our ruggedized… Read more
A close look at what working in our packaging department looks like
This video shows a member of the Quabbin Wire & Cable Quality Assurance team testing incoming copper using the Keyence Laser Micrometer, a non-contact L.E.D. optical gauge used for diameter measurement of copper conductor at incoming inspection… Read more
UL VW-1 Vertical Wire Flame Test: The purpose of the UL VW-1 Vertical Wire Flame Test is to determine the flammability/flame retardant properties of cables. The ignition source is a flame generated by a device similar to a Bunsen burner. The wire… Read more
The Zwick/Roell® Tensile Tester measures insulation and jacket tensile strength and elongation. It performs strip force and trouser tear measurement as well as plots stress-strain curve for Modulus of Elasticity determination.
Torsion tests performed on Quabbin Part #5772 — 2 pair industrial ethernet cable and Quabbin Part #5077 — 4 pair double shielded cable. The test was a 360 degree twist total per cycle (180° in each direction) over 34” of cable. Three million cycles… Read more
This test is a rolling bend test. The cable assembly is clamped near the start and end of the bend. All assemblies were terminated with AMP Cat 6 modular plugs. All assemblies were tested using a Fluke® hand held tester with patch cord adapters. Cat… Read more